Sunday, November 19, 2006

Two very important items prior to landscape construction

Please remember these two items, as they might save money and a life.
Prior to any landscape construction do the following:

1. Check with your local governmental unit to make sure you are permitted for the construction you are undertaking. This might include more than one unit such as Soil and Water Conservation Districts, county, township or municipality offices. I know of a case where steps were constructed down a bank and into a lake without being permitted. The city made the homeowner remove the steps. I know of another case where a paver patio and fire ring were installed far closer to a lake than permitted. The homeowner had to pay a large fine and triple the cost of what a permit would have cost. Do the correct thing and meet your local requirements.

2. Always contact your local "One Call" for a thorough utility locate. It normally takes 48 hours and might just save a life or at least a lot of money. I know of a fellow who purchased numerous hedge plants and went to work. Little did he know that in the planting process he cut the phone line in seven places. It is so easy to avoid these problems with one simple phone call.

I would love to hear other tips or experiences of interest from the rest of you. Please jump in.

1 comment:

Falesha said...

forestry trucks Your number one tip is right. I lost a lot of money because I didn't have ti proper permits.